A red and white striped lighthouse stands by the ocean under a clear blue sky, with the sun shining brightly.

Guidelines for staff and business partners

The RWE Code of Conduct

The rules we live by

The integrity of our actions is a major requirement for lasting successful growth. The principles enshrined in the RWE Code of Conduct form the framework for RWE’s corporate and social activities. With it, we want to encourage our staff and business partners to take responsibility. The RWE Code of Conduct is designed to offer them clear guidance in their day-to-day work. It ensures the conformity of our activities with the law and with social and cultural norms and values. It is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which we joined in 2004, and the OECD principles for multinational companies.

In order to anchor the principles of the RWE Code of Conduct as guidelines for all parties, it is used as a basis for all other company regulations. Once a year, each member of the management with staff responsibility must confirm compliance with the Code of Conduct for their division.

View the Code of Conduct as a PDF file here: