Oostpolder onshore wind farm | RWE
Oostpolder onshore wind farm | RWE

Collaborating with local landowners in Groningen

Oostpolder wind farm

RWE is developing the Oostpolder wind farm in the Oostpolder area in Groningen through collaboration with local landowners within the Waddenwind collective. This wind farm consists of 21 wind turbines, 8 of which are to be constructed by RWE.

A Lagerweij climbing crane turbine – like the one at the Oostpolderdijk wind farm – is to be used for this wind farm. This turbine has a climbing construction for a crane on the turbine, allowing the crane to have a small footprint. Work on the wind farm is scheduled to start in 2020 and it is expected to be put into operation in 2021. The completed wind farm will cover the annual consumption of more than 100,000 households.

Facts and figures

8 x 00 MW

Number of turbines

(out of a total of 21 turbines)

00 m

Shaft height

00 MW

Installed capacity

(out of a total of 96 MW)


Electricity production (in annual consumption of households)

(out of a total of 100.500)


Commissioning year

RWE Renewables Benelux B.V.

Grote Voort 247
8041 BL  Zwolle