RWE Offshore Wind GmbH

MBO Teachers and Industry Partners visit Hydrogen Inspiration Day at RWE Lingen

A group of workers in bright orange vests and blue helmets poses at an industrial site with cooling towers in the background.


During a hydrogen inspiration day, MBO teachers and companies were invited to the RWE site in Lin-gen for presentations and a tour of a pilot electrolyser installation.

On June 25, 2024, MBO teachers and companies from the hydrogen sector visited the RWE location in Lingen to learn about the company’s hydrogen activities. During the visit, the required skills for staff working with hydrogen and related training needs were also discussed. There is a growing demand for practically trained personnel in the energy sector, and for this reason, RWE collaborates closely with schools and training institutes in the Netherlands.

Through presentations, the group of MBO teachers and industry partners gained insights into RWE’s hydrogen plans in Lingen, as well as the skills needed to realize these plans. Julia Dorlöchter, Project Engineer at RWE Technology International, gave the presentation. She said, “Our project in Lingen is a great opportunity to learn about the workforce demands that will arise from the large-scale construc-tion of electrolysis capacity in the surrounding regions.” In addition to the presentations, the group was given a tour of the site by Fiarid Dia, Head of Global Asset Management & Operation Hydrogen, where they viewed the 14 MW pilot installation and the construction of the building that will house the 300 MW electrolyser, set to be operational in 2027.

The inspiration day in Lingen is part of the OranjeWind Knowledge program, an extensive initiative for research and knowledge sharing in system integration. Through intensive collaboration with schools and training institutes, RWE aims to contribute to training personnel for the energy transition. "An in-spiration day like this is a win-win for RWE and the training institutes. For the schools, it’s a unique op-portunity to see a real installation up close. For RWE, it’s important that training programs align with the needs of the industry and provide insight into this," said Bas Jansen, Program Manager of Oran-jeWind Knowledge.