Discover our energy in the Benelux

Discover our energy in the Benelux

Discover our energy in the Benelux

Discover our energy in the Benelux

Discover our energy in the Benelux

The world of energy with all its possibilities is huge.
That’s why it’s important to have a good overview of what it’s all about.

At RWE, we have a clear focus on renewable energy and we are a strong partner on the road to a green future. It is clear that climate protection and the energy transition can only succeed if security of supply is guaranteed. Therefore, conventional energy sources remain part of the mix for the time being, alongside innovative wind farms, solar farms, hydropower stations and, in the future, power plants that operate using hydrogen. That’s how we cover the whole spectrum of safe and clean electricity generation. With the expansion of renewable energy sources, RWE plays an important role in the energy supply of the future in the Benelux.

Read more about electricity generation opportunities
from different energy sources and RWE’s activities in the Benelux

Onshore wind

RWE has decades of experience with its own wind farms.

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Offshore wind

Development of offshore projects for Benelux

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Solar energy

RWE is becoming increasingly active in the Netherlands.

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Key to the success of the energy transition

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Gas will make a decisive contribution to the energy transition.

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Expansion of biomass for a successful energy transition

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Hard coal

RWE aims to convert the remaining coal-fired power plants in the Netherlands to biomass plants.

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RWE is using the limited opportunities for hydropower plants in the Netherlands.

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Battery storage

A key element in the energy transition

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Locations & Projects

Everything in one map: Offices, operational sites and projects in the Benelux.

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Do you want to become our partner?

Help us expanding the production of renewable energy in the Netherlands.

Our offer for landowners

RWE and the surrounding area

RWE is a reliable partner in the regions where we are active.

Read more (in Dutch)

RWE Renewables Benelux B.V.

Grote Voort 247
8041 BL  Zwolle

RWE Generation NL

Amerweg 1
4931 NC  Geertruidenberg