Aerial view of a wind farm with multiple turbines set against a cloudy sky and expansive farmland.
Oostpolder onshore wind farm | RWE

Collaborating with local landowners in Groningen

Oostpolder wind farm

Windpark Oostpolder is located in the province of Groningen, south of Eemshaven. The wind farm is an initiative of RWE together with local landowners united in the Waddenwind collective.  The wind farm consists of 21 wind turbines, built in two line arrangements. 8 turbines have been realized by RWE. These are turbines with a capacity of 4.5 MW each. The complete Oostpolder wind farm thus has a capacity of 94.5 MW. The turbines have a rotor diameter of 136 meters at a shaft height of 155 meters. That means the tip of the blade touches 223 meters at its highest point! 

A (Lagerweij) climbing crane was used in the construction of this wind farm, just as in Oostpolderdijk Wind Farm. Because the crane is attached to the turbine, it was possible to work with a considerably smaller rig than for a 'normal' mobile crane. Another special feature is that the turbine mast consists of separate parts, which were assembled on site. Construction work for the wind farm began in 2020. The wind farm provides energy since 2021. The complete Oostpolder wind farm supplies the annual power consumption of more than 100,000 households.

Facts and figures

8 x 00 MW

Number of turbines

(out of a total of 21 turbines)

00 m

Shaft height

00 MW

Installed capacity

(out of a total of 94.5 MW)


Electricity production (in annual consumption of households)

(out of a total more than 100.000)


Commissioning year

RWE Renewables Benelux B.V.

Grote Voort 247
8041 BL  Zwolle