An aerial view of a wind farm with multiple wind turbines set in a patchwork of green and brown fields under a cloudy sky.
Eekerpolder onshore wind farm | RWE

Part of the N33 wind farm in Groningen

Eekerpolder wind farm

RWE is involved in the construction of wind farm N33 in the province of Groningen. Together with a development partner, RWE is building a wind farm with a total capacity of 150 megawatts. The whole wind farm consists of 35 wind turbines.

These are to be constructed at three sides along the Provincial road N33. The Eekerpolder subproject lies to the north of the village Meeden. This is the part of the wind farm that has been developed, constructed and will be operated by RWE. At the moment the 15 constructed wind turbines are still in ‘test phase’: they are tested whether they function according to the pre-established technical specifications. Each of these Siemens Gamesa DD130 R19 turbines to be operated by RWE has a capacity of 4.2 megawatts and a tip height of almost 200 metres.

When fully completed and operational the N33 wind farm will supply enough power to cover the annual consumption of around 140,000 households. RWE’s Eekerpolder wind farm with its 15 turbines will supply power for around 59,000 households.

Facts & figures

15 x 00 MW

Number of turbines

00 m

Shaft height

Almost 00 m

Tip height

00 MW

Installed capacity


Electricity production (in annual consumption of households)


Commissioning year

More information

RWE Renewables Benelux B.V.

Grote Voort 247
8041 BL  Zwolle