At RWE, we never ignore high-risk situations or behaviour. But we also like to hear about good examples. HSE-related incidents, positive and high-risk situations or behaviour can be reported via your RWE contact or the Team Leader Operations.
If unsafe behaviour is observed, work will be stopped temporarily after consultation with the persons involved. Naturally, the behaviour observed will always be discussed with the persons involved first of all. When the situation is safe again, work can be resumed.
In the case of high-risk situations, the possibility of making the local situation safe or removing the risk immediately or making it clearly visible to other people will also always be looked at first of all.
Incidents will be investigated and if necessary, additional control measures will be taken in order to prevent that type of incident from occurring again.
Incidents will be investigated and measures will be taken in order to prevent such incidents from happening again and they will be logged in the HSE reporting system.